Saturday, February 25, 2017

Just Roll With It | Everywhere - Worldwide

If there is one thing we have learned from filming weddings & getting married ourselves.. "Just Roll With It.." Most people dream about their very own wedding day for years before it actually happens. And sometimes, things can happen on your wedding day that is out of your control. Yes.. even the most perfectly planned weddings can have there moments, whether the groomsman shows up several hours late, the photo film shoot gets rained out, the bridesmaids forget this isn't "their day", the food doesn't taste the same as the trial run, or the DJ forgets to play one chosen track. There are more unexpected special moments too, like taking your dog out during the reception or our highlight moment for today, the flower girl just wants to be standing with the bride & groom. Just Roll With It.. The big things trump the little things that won't matter years later & those little things don't deserve your happiness on your wedding day. Go out. Get married. And if something happens.. Just Roll With It.

Enjoy & Share

Cinematography by Fesiuk Films

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